What is Infinity

Devesh Pratap Singh
10 min readJul 2, 2023


Numbers hold deeper significance beyond their symbolic representation. They have intrinsic value and serve as fundamental units of measurement and representation. In ancient times, people used stones to represent the number 1, employing them for practical purposes like counting sheep. Numbers continue to play a crucial role in our lives, from tracking time to measuring quantities. They also have abstract and philosophical dimensions, challenging our understanding and enabling exploration in mathematics, music, art, and science. Understanding the significance of numbers allows us to unlock their profound meaning and power, providing a versatile tool set to navigate the complexities of the world and explore infinite possibilities.

The Base number 1

The base number 1 is the foundational element of the numerical system, from which all other numbers derive their existence. Each number, such as 2 or 5, relies on the presence of 1 to acquire significance. The numerical system can be visualized as a hierarchical structure, with 1 as the base, and every number built upon its predecessor. This concept has implications in mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and anthropology. Understanding the base number enhances our comprehension of the numerical system and its role across different disciplines, providing a framework for understanding the intricacies of numbers.

You can understand whole concept from the figures below:

This image presents a visual and imaginative depiction of the number 1, illustrating how it can be visualized.
This image presents a visual and imaginative depiction of the number 1, illustrating how it can be visualized.
This image creatively depicts the number 2 and suggests its representation as the sum of two ones (1+1).
This image creatively depicts the number 2 and suggests its representation as the sum of two ones (1+1).
This image creatively portrays the number 3 and suggests its representation as the sum of three ones (1+1+1).
This image creatively depicts the number 4 and suggests its representation as the sum of four ones (1+1+1+1).
This image creatively depicts Infinity and demonstrates the concept of representing infinity as the sum of 1 repeated infinitely. It emphasizes that the magnitude of infinity surpasses any imaginable large number. The purpose of this image is to aid in comprehending the overall scenario.

Defining Infinity:

The definition of infinity is a concept that transcends the notion of a specific numerical value. Instead, infinity can be understood as the result of an infinite addition of the base number 1. To illustrate this, let us consider the values of numbers by repeatedly adding 1:

1 can be defined as the addition of 1, one time, resulting in 1 (1)

2 can be defined as the addition of 1, two times, resulting in 1 + 1 (2)

3 can be defined as the addition of 1, three times, resulting in 1 + 1 + 1 (3)

4 can be defined as the addition of 1, four times, resulting in 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (4).

This pattern continues, where any given number n can be defined as the addition of 1, n times.

Now, let us explore the concept of infinity. Infinity (∞) can be defined as the addition of 1 an infinite number of times. It is represented as

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + … (6)

Here, the ellipsis (…) represents an infinite continuation of adding 1.

This representation in equation (6) shows the natural form of infinity, where the sum of an infinite number of 1’s leads to the concept of infinity itself.

To visualize this concept, we can consider a spherical representation of the number system. Imagine a sphere that encapsulates the entire number system. This sphere represents infinity, containing within it every number, sum of series, and mathematical concept.

Each number, whether it is 1, 2, 3, or any other value, exists within this infinite sphere. The sum of all numbers up to infinity is encompassed by infinity itself. Just as every number arises from the addition of 1, all numbers collectively form an infinite collection that resides within the concept of infinity.

Numerical Approach:

Calculating value of Infinity:

1 = Addition of 1, one time = 1 (1)

2 = Addition of 1, two times = 1+1 (2)

3 = Addition of 1, three times = 1+1+1 (3)

4 = Addition of 1, four times = 1+1+1+1 (4)

5 = Addition of 1, five times = 1+1+1+1+1 (5)




We can define Infinity, as

∞ = Addition of 1, Infinite times = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+…………. (6)

(6) represents the natural form of ∞.

By simplifying equation (6), we arrive at the expression:

∞ = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + …

This implies that infinity (∞) is comprised of an infinite repetition of the base number 1. By expanding this expression, we can observe that ∞ can be represented as the sum of progressively increasing segments:

∞ = (1) + (1 + 1) + (1 + 1 + 1) + (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) + (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) + …

This infinite summation highlights the nature of ∞ as an ever-expanding and all-encompassing entity.

To further illustrate the relationship between ∞ and numerical values, let us consider the expression (7):

∞ = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + …

And from here we can see the sum of all number upto infinity is nothing other than infinity and we can conclude that ∞ is something from which every number born and dies.

Here, we have substituted the values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) into equation (6). This demonstrates that the concept of infinity (∞) is intimately linked to the progression of numbers. As we attempt to manipulate or alter the infinite expression (6) by multiplication, addition, subtraction, or division, ∞ retains its inherent value. It reaffirms the idea that infinity does not lie at the end of all numbers, but rather, all numbers emerge from ∞ and eventually return to it.


1. From all discussion you can conclude that infinity is not a single number whose value can be determined; it is a special thing from which all the numbers, series and operations generate and die or merge. You can also see how infinity reacts when we approach it by adding or multiplying value to our number, it makes its size big and also how it reacts when we try to make its size small by subtracting and dividing it, it tries to expand itself. You can compare this infinity to the universe. How this universe behaves when we try to approach it or want to see it end, it becomes big as we can see it is expanding, the more the light reaches to the end of the universe the more objects we see.

Infinity is a concept that has fascinated philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists for centuries. It represents a limitless and boundless quantity that cannot be fully grasped or comprehended. While infinity is often associated with numbers and mathematical operations, it extends beyond mere numerical values and has profound implications in various fields of study.

When we consider infinity in the context of numbers, we realize that it is not a specific value that can be determined. Rather, it serves as a foundation from which all numbers, series, and mathematical operations emerge. Infinity is like the wellspring from which the entire numerical landscape originates and returns.

To understand how infinity behaves, let’s examine its response to different mathematical operations. When we add or multiply a number by infinity, we witness its extraordinary capacity to magnify. No matter how large the initial number is, when we introduce infinity into the equation, the result becomes infinitely larger. For instance, if we multiply any finite number by infinity, the product will be infinite. Similarly, if we add any finite number to infinity, the sum will also be infinite.

For example, let’s consider the equation x * ∞ = y, where x is a finite number and ∞ represents infinity. As we increase the value of x, y grows without bound. Even if x is an unimaginably large number, the product with infinity surpasses it, demonstrating the incomprehensible nature of infinity.

On the other hand, when we attempt to diminish infinity’s magnitude by subtracting or dividing, it resists our efforts and expands further. Infinity remains unaffected by these operations and maintains its boundless nature. Dividing infinity by any finite number still results in infinity, and subtracting a finite number from infinity remains infinite.

For example, let’s consider the equation ∞ / x = y, where x is a finite number. As we decrease the value of x, y approaches infinity without ever reaching a definitive value. This showcases the limitless nature of infinity and its refusal to be confined or diminished by conventional mathematical operations.

To illustrate the parallels between infinity and the universe, let’s examine the behavior of the universe as we explore its vastness. When we observe the universe from our vantage point and attempt to comprehend its extent, we find that it expands as we venture deeper into its cosmic realms. The light that reaches us from distant galaxies reveals an ever-expanding universe, growing larger as we peer further into its depths.

Just as infinity cannot be contained within a finite number, the universe eludes our attempts to confine or comprehend its entirety. As we gain more knowledge and explore deeper into space, the universe’s immensity becomes increasingly apparent, mirroring the boundlessness of infinity.

Moreover, the expansion of the universe provides another analogy to infinity. The concept of the Big Bang suggests that the universe originated from a singularity — an infinitely dense and small point — and has been expanding ever since. This expansion echoes the unbounded growth associated with infinity, further highlighting the profound connections between these two concepts.

2. One of the fascinating conclusions we can draw from the behavior of numbers and their relationship to the universe is the concept of unlocking possibilities. As we progress from one number to the next, we unlock new possibilities and expand our understanding of the numerical landscape. Similarly, when we approach the universe, it presents us with new dimensions and challenges us to explore further.

Let’s consider the process of unlocking possibilities in numbers. When we approach the number 1, we gain the ability to move towards 2. This progression continues as we unlock subsequent numbers such as 3, 4, and so on. Each step forward unveils new numerical possibilities, expanding our comprehension of the number line.

For example, if we start with the number 1 and add 1 to it, we reach 2. By adding another 1, we can now reach 3. This sequential unlocking of numbers demonstrates the interconnected nature of numerical progression.

Interestingly, a similar pattern emerges when we examine the behavior of infinity. When we perform operations involving infinity, it generates as many “ones” as we require. This aligns with the unlocking of possibilities observed in the numerical sequence.

For instance, if we multiply a finite number by infinity, the result becomes infinite. This indicates that infinity has the power to generate an infinite number of ones. No matter how large the initial number is, infinity can magnify it indefinitely, akin to unlocking an infinite number of possibilities.

Drawing a parallel to the universe, we observe a similar unlocking process. As we approach the universe with any given quantity, it expands itself by that same amount, challenging us to reach further. This continuous expansion suggests that the universe is never-ending, as we are continually presented with new dimensions to explore.

Consider the concept of measuring the size of the universe. If we were to measure its extent and attempt to approach it, we find that the universe grows in proportion to our efforts. It invites us to delve deeper and discover more, much like the unlocking of possibilities in the numerical sequence.

However, there is an inherent limitation in our ability to approach infinity or fully comprehend the universe. Just as we cannot reach the infinite number line, we are unable to approach the universe in its entirety. Infinity represents a boundless concept that surpasses our finite understanding, and the universe, with its immense scale, presents a similar challenge.

If we accept the notion that the universe is infinite, then our inability to approach it becomes evident. We are limited by our finite nature, unable to grasp the entirety of an infinite entity. It becomes a perpetual quest, forever beckoning us to explore and expand our understanding.

In conclusion, the nature of numbers and their relationship to the universe reveals intriguing patterns and conclusions. The process of unlocking possibilities, observed in numerical progressions, mirrors the expansion and growth of the universe as we approach it. Just as approaching infinity generates an infinite number of ones, approaching the universe challenges us with new dimensions and endless possibilities. However, the inherent nature of infinity and the vastness of the universe prevent us from fully comprehending or approaching their entirety. The parallel between the behavior of numbers and the workings of the universe invites further exploration and contemplation, stimulating our curiosity and inspiring us to push the boundaries of our understanding.

This is just the piece of vast knowledge about infinity. I have written a book all about infinity and its connection with the universe and also tried to solve three of six indeterminate forms using natural form of infinity. If you want, check it out on amazon :


