What is ∞ — ∞

Devesh Pratap Singh
6 min readJul 2, 2023


To minimize confusion, let us assign the symbol “infinity1” to represent our natural infinity, from which we aim to subtract another infinity. Similarly, we will assign the symbol “infinity2” to represent the infinity we want to subtract from our natural infinity (now referred to as infinity1). It is crucial to note and remember this statement as it will be referenced in our subsequent discussions.

The Complexities of Subtracting Infinity: Unraveling the Ambiguity


Subtraction is a fundamental operation in mathematics, allowing us to find the difference between two numbers. However, when it comes to dealing with infinity, the concept becomes more intricate. Subtracting one infinity from another introduces ambiguity, resulting in two possible answers and an ongoing debate within the mathematical community. In this , we will explore the two potential outcomes of subtracting infinities and delve into the complexities that arise from this process.

Answer 1: ∞ — ∞ = 0 when both infinities are equal.

In certain scenarios, when infinity1 and infinity2 are considered equal, the subtraction yields a result of 0. This is rooted in the notion that if both infinities are identical, their infinite elements cancel each other out, leaving no remaining quantity. This conclusion may seem intuitive and straightforward, suggesting that the subtraction of equal infinities results in a null value.

Answer 2: The indeterminate form when infinity1 and infinity2 differ.

However, the situation becomes more intricate when infinity1 and infinity2 are unequal. In this case, the subtraction of infinities leads to an indeterminate form, where the outcome cannot be definitively determined. To understand this complexity, we need to consider the nature of infinity itself.

The Expanding Nature of Infinity:

Infinity possesses a remarkable characteristic: the power to continually expand and increase its magnitude. Its limitless nature defies conventional numerical rules and introduces challenges when attempting to subtract one infinity from another. Let us examine how infinity1 and infinity2 behave during the subtraction process.

Infinity1’s Expanding Size:

When infinity1 is subtracted from infinity2, infinity1 seeks to preserve its infinity status by continually expanding its size. It counteracts the subtractive influence of infinity2 by generating an infinite number of 1’s, effectively replenishing any reduction caused by the subtraction. This infinite growth process ensures that infinity1 remains infinitely large and maintains its distinct identity.

Infinity2’s Equalizing Effort:

On the other hand, infinity2 endeavors to match the magnitude of infinity1. It strives to expand its own size to match that of infinity1, attempting to nullify the impact of subtraction. This equalizing effort perpetuates a never-ending cycle where infinity2 continually chases the expanding size of infinity1.

The Resulting Ambiguity:

Due to the dynamic nature of infinity and its capacity for limitless expansion, the subtraction of infinity1 and infinity2 fails to yield a definitive result. The continuous interplay between these infinities prevents the attainment of a conclusive answer. It is important to recognize that this ambiguity arises from the unique properties of infinity.


In the realm of mathematics, subtracting infinities introduces intricate challenges and two potential outcomes. When both infinities are equal, their subtraction yields a value of 0, aligning with our conventional understanding of subtraction. However, when the infinities differ, an indeterminate form arises, as infinity1 expands to maintain its infinite nature while infinity2 strives to equalize its magnitude. This perpetual back-and-forth creates an ongoing ambiguity, highlighting the complexities inherent in subtracting infinities. It serves as a reminder that the concept of infinity transcends our ordinary numerical operations and requires a nuanced understanding to navigate its intricacies.


Let us consider a different perspective on this situation. What does infinity2 want? Referring back to our initial statement, we mentioned that we sent infinity2 to cancel out infinity. Therefore, infinity2’s sole purpose is to cancel out infinity, whether it is our original infinity (infinity1) or any other infinity. However, there is a significant change here. We know that our infinity1 has the power to generate an infinite number of ones, which implies that it can also generate other infinities by producing an infinite sequence of ones (as per the definition of infinity, to understand checkout : link). Consequently, our infinity2 will cancel out the newly generated infinity, ensuring that the cancellation process takes place, and our infinity1 remains intact indefinitely.

The concept of developing infinity from infinity can be observed in various ancient scriptures and books that discuss the divine and supernatural realms. In these texts, gods are often portrayed as possessing the power to manifest in different forms or avatars. This ability to take on multiple appearances serves various purposes, such as confounding evil forces or demons (known as asuras). The parallel between this mystical phenomenon and the development of infinity from infinity can be intriguing to explore.

In many mythologies and religious traditions, gods are depicted as beings with immense power and transcendental attributes. They are believed to exist beyond the limitations of human perception and possess the ability to manipulate reality. One aspect of this divine power is the capacity to manifest in multiple forms or avatars. These avatars are distinct expressions of the same divine essence, each with its unique characteristics and purpose.

For example, in Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is regarded as the preserver and protector of the universe. He is said to have manifested in various avatars, such as Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, and Lord Narasimha, among others. Each of these avatars represents a different facet of Lord Vishnu’s divine nature and serves a specific role in maintaining cosmic balance and defeating evil forces. By assuming these different forms, Lord Vishnu confuses and overpowers the asuras, who are constantly seeking to disrupt cosmic harmony.

Similarly, in Greek mythology, the god Zeus is known for his ability to transform into different entities or take on various appearances. Zeus would often adopt these disguises to interact with mortals or engage in battles with formidable opponents. This transformative power allowed Zeus to outwit his enemies and maintain his divine authority.

The parallel between these mythical accounts and the development of infinity from infinity lies in the idea of infinite possibilities and the transcendence of limitations. Just as gods are believed to possess the power to manifest in diverse forms, infinity is regarded as an infinite, boundless concept that defies conventional constraints. It is this notion of boundlessness that enables infinity to continuously generate new forms or expressions, much like the avatars of gods.

Moreover, these mythological examples also highlight the idea that the infinite nature of divinity cannot be diminished or exhausted. Despite assuming different forms or undergoing transformations, the essence of the divine remains eternal and infinite. Similarly, in the context of infinity, no matter how many infinities are generated or subtracted, the original concept of infinity remains unaltered and perpetually infinite.

While the comparison between the development of infinity from infinity and the divine avatars in mythology may be metaphorical, it allows us to contemplate the profound nature of infinity. It serves as a reminder of the vastness and incomprehensibility of infinity, as well as its capacity to continuously expand and transcend conventional boundaries.

In conclusion, the concept of developing infinity from infinity can be observed in various ancient scriptures and mythologies where gods are depicted as assuming multiple forms or avatars. These divine manifestations serve different purposes, including confusing and defeating evil forces. Although metaphorical, these accounts provide a fascinating parallel to the concept of infinity, emphasizing its boundless nature and its resilience in the face of attempts to subtract or diminish it. Exploring these parallels encourages us to contemplate the profound nature of infinity and its infinite possibilities.

Numerical Approach:

From (6) we know that ∞ = (1+1+1+1+1+1+….)

∞ = {(1+1) +(1+1) +(1+1) +….}

∞ = {(2) +(2) +(2) +….}

∞ = 2 × {1+1+1+1+1+1+….}

∞ = {(1+1+1+1+1+1+….) + (1+1+1+1+1+1+….)} (11)

Putting values,

∞ — ∞ = {(1+1+1+1+1+1+….) + (1+1+1+1+1+1+….)} — (1+1+1+1+1+1+….)

∞ — ∞ = (1+1+1+1+1+1+….) + {(1+1+1+1+1+1+….) — (1+1+1+1+1+1+….)}

∞ — ∞ = ∞

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